Painful Feet

Treatment for Painful Feet 

If your feet are painful life becomes miserable! from having a niggle to too painful to put your feet on the ground. The Diss Chiropoday and Podiatry Clinic can assess the problem to working out a plan for you. We take a though background to work out the cause and advise you of the best cause of action to alleviate your symptoms. 

Customised treatment plan

Any pain or discomfort felt in the foot can have lots of different causes sometimes not even in the foot! a Podiatrist is trained to assess the problem and provide a solution to each individual need and provide a tailored treatment plan. 
foot pain

Causes for Foot Pain

Foot pain comes in lots of different forms and affects the following areas:
- Heel,
- Arch,
- Forefoot (front)
- Toes.

They are commonly referred to as Bunions, achilles tendonitis, Haglund's deformity, Plantar heel pain (fasciitis), Mortons Neuroma, Metatarsalgia, Ganglion, Bursa etc.
There can be lots of different causes Trauma, ll-fitting footwear, toe joint deformities, stress fracture, trapped nerves, soft tissue swellings the list is quit extensive.
Seeing a Podiatrist who has studied the anatomy and is familiar with the common causes and complications within the foot and the lower limb is the best cause of action. 

Qualified Professional

The foot is a complicated part of the body taking the full weight of the body with each stride. As can be appreciated sometimes things go wrong! 
 We have a detailed knowledge of the anatomy and its workings. During our assessment and observation key things will be observed which will highlight these failing which will be corrected in our treatment plan.
We take pride in setting high standards for our customer. However sometimes these experiences take a while to take effect as we are reversing what your body has had sometimes years to manifest. 
Our main aim is get you comfortable and as mobile as possible.
Nail Surgery
At The Diss Chiropoday and Podiatry Clinic, we offer orthotics treatment for painful feet and heel pain. However this isn't always the case. Contact us today. 
foot icon
For orthotics treatment for foot pain. 
01379 640370
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